Perks - Displays a comprehensive list of the user's perks. Skills - Displays the user's skill levels as well as indicating positive(+) or negative(-) effects on them. information as well as indicating positive(+) or negative(-) effects on these levels. S.P.E.C.I.A.L - Displays the user's S.P.E.C.I.A.L. EFF - Effects: Displays effects of currently equipped clothing, radiation level, chemicals the user has ingested, the well-rested function, any addictions the user may have as well as any crippled limbs. RAD - Radiation: Precise reading of user's radiation level using internal Geiger counter and options to administer Rad-X and RadAway as necessary. CND - Condition: Status of limbs, number of stimpaks, and enables directional application of stimpaks to crippled areas or to the body as a whole. Status - Displays the user's condition, radiation levels and any effects that are currently active.
The display color must be changed through the pause menu rather than the Pip-Boy itself.
The four colors available are amber, blue, green and white. A user can set their color preference for the display. Its screen doubles as a flashlight for fixing visibility issues in dark or obscured areas (enabled by holding down the Pip-Boy button). It also includes a Geiger counter and a radio. This multifunction device has been programmed by Pip-Boy developers to display the wearer's stats, area maps, inventory and item properties. The Pip-Boy 3000A is worn on the character's left forearm. The player character is equipped with the Pip-Boy 3000A it is indicated that there are other models in the 3000 line, with A being one of the oldest.